Friday, 2 February 2018

Anthony Hogg & Erin Chapman

"I have found that almost everyone who launches personal attacks to my detriment invariably hail from a particular end of the spectrum. I call it the Left-hand Path. Hogg very much falls under that classification, as do many of his cyber-friends." — †Seán Manchester

Hogg, who befriends and assists known Satanists, eg Drew Sinton among others, also subscribes to cultural Marxism and all that can be found on the Far Left. Little is known about his relationships, if any, other than he seems to take no interest in either sex, and lives in a suburb of Melbourne. He has never visited the United Kindom, or indeed Europe, but obsesses about a place called Highgate and its cemetery, and has done so for a couple of decades. His partner in crime is Erin Chapman, a vampire obsessive who lives in Vancouver, Canada. They both describe themselves as journalists, but neither is employed as such. In fact, neither is employed. They plague the internet with their trolling and stalking of a devout traditional Christian, Seán Manchester, and anyone who has been associated with him, especially if these are females. Hogg has been abusing, bullying, harassing, trolling and stalking Seán Manchester on social media for over thirteen years. Despite the latter blocking him where he can, Hogg has countless fake accounts, plus several in his real name. Thus he employs his sock-puppet accounts to try and join private groups administrated by Seán Manchester.

Anyone wanting to put a question to Seán Manchester about these matters, the Highgate Vampire case, or the wider topic of vampirology, are most welcome to do so by clicking on any of the images.

Examples of copyright theft on a website administrated and published by Erin Chapman and Hogg:

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