Saturday, 24 July 2021

Catherine Fearnley  

Catherine Fearnley's copyright warning (above) aimed at just one person.

Fearnley's copyright violation (below) of the person she had warned a couple of hours earlier.

The term "Magister" should not be confused with the traditional master's degrees (especially those that predate the twentiethth century) whose English-language names (containing Master) have New Latin counterparts (containing Magister). The LHP use of the term in a different context, ie Magister Templi,  needs separating from the RHP appellation of The Magister that has been applied to myself since the 1960s. Magister Templi, or Master of the Temple (8°=3□) is an A∴A∴ adoption of the term. The A∴A∴ is an occult organisation (often held to stand for Argenteum Astrum, which is Latin for Silver Star) described in 1907 by Aleister Crowley. The degree Magister Templi also exists within the thirty-three degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry. Aleister Crowley had been such a Mason. I am not and, given the Path I have taken, I would not be permitted to hold any degrees in Masonry or any other Left-hand Path organisation; moreover, neither would I want to. Crowley was a  Magus (9°=2□), and became an Ipsissimus (10°=1□), ie beyond the comprehension of the lower degrees. An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and is, essentially, the highest mode of attainment within Thelema.

My acceptance of the term is as the word implies when correctly defined, ie a Teacher or a Master. At school the teachers were always referred to as masters; at least, they were at my school. Masonry, and especially Thelema, is totally incompatible with the Way of the Disciple, seeking the Light Divine.

I was not always formally in persona Christi or alter Christus. That occurred when I entered the sacred priesthood and was later episcopally consecrated. I did not choose so to become, but was chosen; indeed called. I was always, therefore, a Magister, even before I accepted use of the term spiritually.

I gradually understood my journey was more mystical than "habitual," more spiritual than "religious," and that "churchianity" held less appeal than the Christianity expressed from deep within my being.

Hence the spiritual aspect of my creative art, writing, music, thoughts and lifestyle is pre-eminent. 

1 comment:

  1. Nota Bene: Catherine Fearnley (the same Catherine Fearnley who maliciously had David Farrant arrested and his computers seized for no proven reason) falsely claims on her Facebook timeline that a particular photograph taken in Highgate Cemetery is her property. There is absolutely no evidence to support that claim; moreover, she appears in none of the accompanying photographs taken on that day at the cemetery. In fact, no picture of her taken at Highgate Cemetery can be found anywhere. On her timeline will be found lots of infringed images that are †Seán Manchester's exclusive and lawful copyright. In some instances she admits as much. She is a stalker who has trolled †Seán Manchester for a great many years. She also trolled David Farrant while he was alive. She has always lived with her parents in Liversedge, West Yorkshire, and has never been gainfully employed. Born in February 1973, she started to pursue Farrant from earlier on this century. Then she concentrated her attention on †Seán Manchester. She stalks him daily. A day does not pass without her posting incitements of hatred against him; therefore, a Cease and Desist Order is well overdue.


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Catherine Fearnley ...